114 PRS Proofreading and Editing Service PhD Experts • All Academic Areas • Fast Turnaround • High Quality communicate effectively, so if that communication has failed in some way, it can be difficult to determine how to proceed. For the most part, if it is the clarity and style of your writing that’s the problem, especially if it’s been pointed out by more than one editor, you simply need to revise to improve your English writing. The approaches to replying to the editor I’ve outlined above regarding formatting, structural and referencing issues (Section 7.3.1) apply here as well (with a focus on language, of course), but whether you manage to earn a conditional acceptance or a conditional reconsideration or neither, you are almost certainly going to need to revise your paper before submitting it again to the same or any other journal. As you’re working to improve your English and your article, you may find Chapter 4 of this Guide particularly helpful, and perhaps Section 3.2 as well. If you were fortunate enough to receive some detailed commentary from the editor about the writing problems in your paper, review those constructions or words or areas carefully and read through your paper as a whole with your eye alert to occurrences of any incorrect patterns mentioned by the editor. If the letter you received doesn’t provide such helpful advice, you will need to review your prose more carefully still, and in this case it is probably best to seek a second and perhaps a third opinion. A specialist in your field who has published in English is a good choice, and so is a native speaker of English – a colleague or fellow student if possible, or a professional academic or scientific proofreader. As with revisions to formatting, structure and references, when you resubmit to the same journal be sure to explain precisely what you’ve done to improve your writing, including any use of professional proofreaders, as this can show the editor the effort you’ve made to improve your paper and speak volumes about your willingness to do what has to be done to achieve successful publication. PARt III: commUnIcAtIng wItH JoURnAl edItoRs: sUBmIssIon, AccePtAnce, RevIsIon And ReJectIon